The Whitsunday Charter Boat Industry Association (WCBIA) is a not-for-profit membership-based organisation that, through advocacy and education, represents the interests and values of its Members to all levels of Government and Industry.
Whilst 2023/24 saw the progressive return of passenger numbers from overseas, domestic arrivals decreased, lured overseas by cheaper tour and accommodation rates in neighbouring countries. Exacerbating this situation has been the ever-increasing costs of doing business in Australia and the burden placed upon our Industry by the Government. WCBIA works consistently to push back on any proposed Government legislation changes and charges that might increase costs or complexity for marine tourism operators. Following are examples of recent actions and initiatives implemented by the WCBIA to affect these objectives.
GBRMPA Southern Plan of Management Review
GBRMPA in association with Traditional Owners is developing a new Plan of Management for the Southern Great Barrier Reef. It has been proposed that outcomes from this process will be rolled out in other regions of the Marine Park. WCBIA has made a submission making clear the position of our Industry that any changes to commercial Permissions including access to specific areas both land and sea, and the cost of that access, may directly impact the viability of Marine Park Tourism Operators’ business models, employment in the Region and the regional economy. WCBIA also made clear the expectation that any review of the Whitsunday POM must be carried out as a completely separate exercise, in consultation with the WCBIA. We further submitted that Grandfathering arrangements and agreed transition periods for existing active Permittees would be fundamental to any process of change to POMs in all regions of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
GBRMPA Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC)
WCBIA attended the quarterly LMAC meeting in June at which a range of topics were discussed including: the GBRMPA Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan Review; the increasing number of coral bleaching events; Project Blueprint which combines waterway health monitoring and data collection with citizen science; commercialisation of the new Ngaro QPWS walking track on Whitsunday Island and Cruise ship impacts on the marine environment. Members can contact WCBIA for detailed information on any of these subjects.
P&I Insurance Costs Legislation
No-win no-fee” legal representation has been identified as the primary cause of the growing claims’ epidemic. WCBIA, AMPTO, QTIC and ATEC have all joined the cry for legislative change to cap claims amounts in line with the New Zealand Adventure Tourism insurance model. Work in this area has the potential to significantly reduce Members’ premiums. WCBIA will continue to work with politicians and all affected peak industry bodies. WCBIA recently solicited written advice from the Insurance Council of Australia confirming that if the Government considers statutory caps, then the Council would be keen to engage.
Severe Weather Reinsurance Pool
WCBIA continues to push for inclusion of Marine Tourism businesses in the Federal Government Cyclone Reinsurance Pool. If successful, this has the potential to reduce hull and rig premiums. WCBIA has solicited written advice from the Insurance Council of Australia confirming that the Council would be willing to engage with the Government on extension of the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool to include Marine Business.
AMSA M45 & MED 1 Processing Delays
WCBIA has corresponded and met virtually with AMSA’s Senior Advisor Seafarer Certification in which AMSA’s recognised significant delays are being experienced and provided a detailed explanation of actions being taken by AMSA to rectify the situation. A detailed list of these actions can be provided to Members on request and Operators are encouraged to advise WCBIA if further unreasonable delays are experienced by M45 applicants.
AMSA Consultation Phase 2 changes to MO504
AMSA has commenced public consultation on the proposed Phase 2 changes to Marine Order 504 (Certificates of operation and operation requirements). The consultation will remain open until Sunday 28 July 2024. The purpose of this phase of the review is to ensure that the safety management system (SMS) requirements continue to improve safety outcomes for domestic commercial vessels and are easy to understand, fit for purpose and practical for the diverse range of vessels within the fleet. For more information and to view the draft marine order, please visit the following link: https://www.amsa.gov.au/smsconsultation WCBIA encourages Operators to review the proposed changes and provide feedback by completing the online form via the link above or emailing consultation@amsa.gov.au
Exemption Attained for Lifejackets in Tenders
This WCBIA Special Exemption proposal was accepted by AMSA saving Operators the inconvenience and additional expense of purchasing and maintaining additional lifejackets for carriage in tenders. A copy of the exemption confirmation has been distributed to Members and further copies can be provided upon request.
AMSA’ New Life Jackets Campaign
WCBIA participated in an AMSA Life Jackets Awareness advertising campaign workshop. The campaign is in the final stages of development and AMSA contracted a research agency to seek feedback from selected stakeholders on the proposed creative and content. Feedback from WCBIA included the need to focus imagery and messaging to a range of DCV operators, pointing out that one size does not fit all. Proposed shock tactics may be appropriate to jolt working boat crews out of complacency but would be totally inappropriate for targeting tourist operations. Hopefully, the feedback will affect the final messaging and imagery outcomes. WCBIA will monitor social and mainstream media and react if appropriate messaging and imagery are not featured.
Independent Review Report on DCV Safety Standards Review
Review recommendations may affect Member Operators if adopted by AMSA, the rollback of Grandfathering being the most significant issue. In short, the Review recommends the establishment of “Baseline Standards” and “Gateway Surveys” for all grandfathered vessels. Suggested areas of focus being stability, fire and electrical safety, in line with current “Surveyed” vessel requirements. Copies of the review findings can be found at https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/infrastructure transport-vehicles/maritime/independent-review-domestic-commercial-vessel-safety-legislation-and costs-and-charging-arrangements WCBIA is monitoring the progress of these recommendations and future consultation
AMSA Cost & Charging Review
The Cost and Charging Review component of the Independent Review (above) has been referred to the Australian Transport Safety Investigation Bodies Financial Sustainability Review (ATSIBF) Committee. WCBIA developed and contributed a submission to the ATSIBF Review. A copy of the WCBIA Submission can be provided to Members upon request.
GBRMPA EMC Collection & Education
Following further correspondence with GBRMPA we are still no closer to an update of outcomes from the EMC Review carried out in 2022/23, that defined the need for EMC payments from “all Park users”. WCBIA has encouraged the introduction of a more equitable system of cost recovery and asked GBRMPA to consider a system whereby the Authority promotes, collects and administers EMC collections. We suggested that this could be facilitated online via a QR code with links included in overnight and day tour booking confirmations and at check-in. The onus should rest upon the client to ensure that their “Marine Park Entry Fees” have been paid, and a lookup system be available to check-in staff to facilitate confirmation of EMC payments. The wheels of this bureaucracy are turning very slowly. Responses to date all refer to the ongoing review process.
GBRMP Special Management Areas
WCBIA has been pushing GBRMPA to explore pathways that could lead to a separation of in-water recreational activities, from recreational fishing. Current Zoning arrangements see the potential and indeed the occurrence of these conflicting use activities in Yellow and Blue Zones. The WCBIA understands that amendments to Zoning require significant consultation and changes to legislation. We also understand that the Authority has other more expedient tools that may be used to address conflicts of use in specific areas. Our understanding is that one of these is the declaration of Special Management Areas in specific locations. Following consultation with our Members, the following sites have been identified as warranting GBRMPA “Special Management Area” consideration: Chalkies Beach; Black Island SE corner; Northwest Hook Passage; Cockatoo Point; The Keyhole in the south end of Stonehaven and Saba or Mackerel Bay. WCBIA will continue pushing for GBRMPA to use its Special Management tool as requested by WCBIA.
Deepening Tongue Bay Access Channel
WCBIA has made a submission to QPWS requesting the deepening of the Tongue Bay landing beach channel to allow all tides access. Currently the channel is only deep enough to allow passengers to be ferried ashore when the tide measures a minimum of 0.8 of a meter above datum. As a result, access hours are limited by tides, resulting in intense usage during accessible periods and governing the operation of tours throughout the Whitsundays. Crowding on walking tracks and lookouts could be significantly decreased if operators could visit over a wider range of tides. On many days of the year, day tour and overnight vessel skippers have no choice but to move in convoy. Overnight tour vessels are herded into anchorages to facilitate timing for arrival and departure from Tongue Bay inline with tidal access restrictions. The result is a less than perfect experience for visitors, left with the impression that Whitsundays is a crowded holiday destination. Deepening the existing Tongue Bay tender channel will free up operators to spread out their visiting times, avoid congestion and lessen impact on QPWS infrastructure. The initial response from QPWS has been encouraging.
AMPTO Monthly Scheduled Meetings
WCBIA now meets monthly online with the CEO of the Australian Marine Park Tourism Operators Association to improve two-way communication, share information and collaborate on efforts to move forward on efforts to achieve change in Government policies.
Tourism Whitsundays Overnight Sailing Campaign
In cooperation with WCBIA, TW funded a $30,000 social media campaign targeting Australian adventure travellers. The campaign commenced in May and concluded in July. All TW Member vessels were invited to participate. At the conclusion of the campaign, TW will produce a report detailing individual visits and click through and sales figures for those operators that opted in for the campaign tracking.
Decarbonization Pathway
WCBIA has been investigating alternative engines and fuel sources for the past three years. The lack of available battery technology is a significant hurdle. Although inboard electric motors are now available with sufficient horsepower for many marine tourism applications, the size and weight of batteries is a significant limiting factor. WCBIA has encouraged AMPTO to apply for a $1m grant to carry out a survey of available technologies and define a pathway to decarbonization. WCBIA will monitor and report on AMPTO’s progress in this area.
Fuel Rebate Scheme
The spectre of extinguishing or reducing the off road fuel rebate reappeared as a political football once again this year and WCBIA joined forces with AMPTO to successfully push back vigorously against this.
Masters and Engineers Training Subsidies
The WCBIA has worked with TAFE, the Whitsunday Maritime Training Centre, the Department of Industry & Training and other interested groups to identify and simplify access to Traineeships and Training funding for our Members. This has resulted in a significant uptake of subsidised training positions for Member Operators and certificate three training subsidies for Members’ employees.
Climate change
Climate change continues to wreak havoc with weather conditions, and the Great Barrier Reef remains under threat. The WCBIA represents the interests of its Members on the following committees and working groups to ensure that our Industry voice is heard and Member interests are represented:
- Association of Marine Park Operators(AMPTO)
- Tourism Reef Advisory Council; GBRMPA (TRAC)
- Local Marine Advisory Council (LMAC)
- AMSA Regional Safety Committee;
- Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce & Industry Advisory Committee
- Whitsunday Marine Risk Management Group (insurance)
- Marine Tourism Workforce, Skills and Training Committee.
- Port of Hay Point Dredging – Tourism Advisory Committee
- Whitsunday Healthy Heart Steering Group
- Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership
- Whitsunday Water Quality Monitoring Project
- Reef Islands Initiative Advisory Group
- Boats 4 Coral
- Coral Nurture Program
- Seagrass Propagation Program
- Whitsundays Shark Control Group
Membership makes all of this possible. Without it there would be no collective voice representing the interests and values of the Whitsunday Charter Boat Industry.